Attention NYC public schools: Apply for bg视讯’s 回收 Champions Program for 的 2012-2013 school year


Is Your School a 回收 Champion?

更新! We've extended 的 deadline to June 22nd at 5pm. bg视讯是 now accepting applications for 的 2012-2013 回收 Champions Program from NYC public schools! 回收 Champions is a free program available to K-12 schools in all five boroughs that helps to launch model, school-wide 回收 programs. It's conducted in partnership with 的 NYC Department of 教育 Division of School Facilities and Office of Sustainability, and 的 NYC Department of Sanitation.回收 Champions aims to empower schools to comply with, 和超过, NYC's 回收 laws, and in 的 process students create school wide projects and campaigns, and learn environmental leadership skills that place 的ir schools on 的 forefront of NYC's Mayoral directive to double 的 City's diversion rate by 2017. Your school can receive a dedicated coordinator to help organize school 回收 and events, galvanize staff, and educate students through hands-on lessons and activities. The application deadline is June 22! Download 的 application as a PDF文件 或者作为 Word文档. See you at School!




